Sunday, May 27, 2007

Angel Baby is Here!!!!

Our little angel baby is here. As everyone knows, she is 3 wks early. But to some shocker, she still weighed 7lbs and 5oz and 20in long!! I know, when they told me that I was shocked!! I did great through the whole procedure. They gave me a spinal/epidural block. There plan was to do that during the csection and then when they started the other half of the surgery, they would just do a general and put me under. Well, they got done with the csection and my husband went with her. I got to here her cry and he got to cut the rest of the cord at her bedside. Then they said that it would only take another 30 min-45 to do the rest. I opted to stay awake during the rest of the surgery as long as I felt good. It was very weird. You just feel a lot of tugging and stretching and pressure. I really did not feel anything except for when they were stapling me back up at the top. It was wearing off. So he just dosed me up again and they were done. The residents had to keep reminding the doc that the patient is awake. He said a few choice words when he was trying the grab one of the organs. I think that it is so funny because you always wonder what goes on in the surgery room. they even have music playing the whole time. When I went in, Aerosmith was blasting, then it ended with some country song I believe!! Anways, it was an experience that I will never forget!!

I was great until I started feeling really bad pains in my chest. I thought it was gas. We were all getting mad because they weren't wanting to treat it as such. They thought about a blood clot in my lungs so they ran a ct scan. It came back with a possiblity and then later negative. My blood count was low, even when I left the hospital. I am taking iron for that. My arms look like I have been beaten. I have bruises all over. I was probably stuck over 20 times in the course of 4days. My fingers are still tingly and numb and I am still swollen a little in my legs and on my left side!!

All in all, I am doing pretty good. Baby is nursing great and all the time. We are getting some sleep at night so that is great too!!! Well, I have to go, the angel baby is wanting mommy milk!!

Goodnight Everyone!!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

welcome home! I'm so glad everything went well. I also had hidedous bruises on my arms from the needles, etc. when I had Baby Bear.

Enjoy that little girl... you know they grow too quickly!